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Top schools for recruiting students for internships and recent grads for early career retail jobs

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Anita Jobb AvatarAnita Jobb
June 10, 2024

When you’re recruiting students for internships or recent grads for early career retail jobs, which are your favorite schools to recruit from and why? Here is what seven thought leaders have to say.

  • Prefer Imperial College for Retail Expertise
  • University of South Carolina’s Retail Strength
  • Warrington College’s Comprehensive Retail Program
  • Fashion Institute of Technology’s Industry Prep
  • Diverse Candidates from Harmony Lab
  • University of Arizona’s Retail Focus
  • CrownTV Values FIT and Parsons Graduates

Prefer Imperial College for Retail Expertise

The Imperial College Business School is one of our favorites. Our hiring experience with Imperial College graduates has been exceptional, particularly due to their specialized interest and training in the retail sector.

Imperial College’s MBA and MSc programs offer students the opportunity to join the FMCG, Luxury Goods, and Retail Club, which delves deeply into the inner workings of these dynamic industries. This club provides students with hands-on experience, industry insights, and networking opportunities that are crucial for success in retail. The school reports that up to 14 percent of recent MBA classes have entered the FMCG, luxury goods, and retail sectors, highlighting their strong alignment with industry needs.

Graduates from Imperial College come to us with a robust understanding of retail dynamics, consumer behavior, and market trends. Their practical knowledge, combined with a strong academic foundation, makes them well-equipped to tackle the challenges of the retail industry. We’ve found that Imperial College students are not only highly skilled but also bring innovative thinking and a global perspective to our team, which is why they are our top choice for recruiting in the retail field.

Precious Abacan, Marketing Director, Softlist

University of South Carolina’s Retail Strength

My top choice for recruiting students for internships or recent grads for early-career retail jobs is the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC. The reason? The University of South Carolina (USC), recognized among the top public schools, hosts one of the largest retailing programs in the nation.

USC’s Department of Retailing offers a Bachelor of Science in Retailing with specializations in retail management and fashion merchandising, featuring courses led by award-winning faculty and industry experts. From my experience, graduates from the retail management track have taken comprehensive courses in retail buying and promotion, marketing, retail management strategies, store operations, accounting, and sales strategies. 

Additionally, the department provides numerous study abroad and internship opportunities. Impressively, the school reports a 100% placement rate for student internships during the program, making it an ideal institution from which to recruit in our industry.

Arturo Gutierrez, Director of Merchandising, Todays Wholesale Closeout

Warrington College’s Comprehensive Retail Program

I frequently recruit from the University of Florida’s Warrington College of Business. Their retail program is renowned for its comprehensive approach, covering key areas such as supply chain management, consumer behavior, and digital retailing. Warrington students benefit from strong industry connections and internship programs with major retail corporations. 

Additionally, the school’s emphasis on experiential learning through case studies, projects, and real-world scenarios ensures that graduates are ready to tackle the challenges of the retail industry. The combination of a solid academic foundation and practical experience makes Warrington College graduates highly competitive candidates for early-career retail positions.

Alex Begum, Texas Personal Injury Lawyer, Villarreal & Begum, Texas Law Guns

Fashion Institute of Technology’s Industry Prep

When recruiting students for internships or recent graduates for early-career retail jobs, I often prioritize candidates from the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in New York. FIT offers specialized programs in fashion business management, merchandising, and retailing, which equip students with practical skills and industry knowledge. 

The curriculum is designed to meet the demands of the retail sector, combining theoretical learning with hands-on experience. Moreover, FIT’s location in a global fashion hub provides students with unparalleled access to internships, industry events, and networking opportunities, ensuring they are well-prepared for the dynamic and fast-paced retail environment.

Jon Sills, Connecticut Criminal Defense Lawyer, Sills Law Firm

Diverse Candidates from Harmony Lab

When recruiting interns and early-career professionals for roles at Harmony Lab, I’ve found that some schools consistently produce exceptional candidates. The University of California, San Diego (UCSD) is a top choice for us, as their students often possess a strong foundation in the life sciences and a keen understanding of laboratory best practices. 

I’m also consistently impressed by candidates from the University of Michigan and the University of Florida, as they demonstrate a unique blend of technical skills, critical thinking abilities, and a passion for innovation in the healthcare and scientific fields.

However, I believe that focusing too heavily on pedigree can cause us to overlook talented individuals from other institutions. At Harmony Lab, we prioritize a candidate’s willingness to learn, attention to detail, and alignment with our company values. Some of our most successful team members have come from diverse educational backgrounds, bringing fresh perspectives and a strong work ethic to their roles.

Sean Clough, President, Sales and Marketing, Harmony Lab & Safety Supplies

University of Arizona’s Retail Focus

One of my top choices for recruiting students for internships and early-career positions in retail is the University of Arizona, specifically those from the Terry J. Lundgren Center for Retailing. The program is uniquely focused on the retail sector and provides students with a solid foundation in retail management, consumer sciences, and the integration of technology in retail.

Students here are exposed to real-world industry challenges through case studies and collaboration with major retail brands, preparing them exceptionally well for the fast-paced retail environment. Their hands-on approach and direct links to the industry help cultivate graduates who are not only ready to contribute but also to innovate in their future roles.

Tom Golubovich, Head of Marketing, Ninja Transfers

CrownTV Values FIT and Parsons Graduates

When recruiting students for internships or recent grads for early-career retail positions at CrownTV, we often turn to schools like the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) and Parsons School of Design. 

These institutions have robust programs in fashion, design, and retail management, equipping students with a blend of creative and practical skills. Graduates from these schools bring fresh perspectives and innovative approaches that are invaluable in the rapidly evolving retail landscape of our business.

Alex Taylor, Head of Marketing, CrownTV

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