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Advice for Employers and Recruiters

Why employers should hire candidates who used generative AI to write their resumes, apply to job openings

Steven Rothberg AvatarSteven Rothberg
June 29, 2023

In yesterday’s blog article, I attempted to outline some of the reasons that some employers give as to why they are rejecting candidates who use AI to apply to jobs. Today, I will outline some of the reasons other employers give as to why they want more candidates to apply who know how to use AI.

It is important to understand that the below arguments against the use of AI do not aim to praise AI technology, but instead to foster a balanced view of its implications, especially within the context of hiring processes.

As the world becomes more digitized, artificial intelligence (AI) continues to reshape many industries, including job recruitment and hiring processes. Generative AI, a subset of AI with a remarkable ability to mimic human-like creativity, has become an increasingly popular tool among job applicants. Candidates are now using generative AI to write resumes, craft cover letters, and even prepare for interviews. While the initial response might be skepticism or concern, there are several compelling reasons why employers should seriously consider candidates who use AI in their application process.

  1. Comfort with Technology – Candidates who use ChatGPT and other forms of generative AI to aid their job application process show a comfort with advanced technology. This comfort level indicates adaptability and an understanding of the digital tools that are increasingly defining the modern workplace. As industries continue to evolve and digitize, these tech-savvy individuals could provide significant value to the organization.
  1. Innovation and Forward-Thinking – The use of generative AI in the application process can be seen as a mark of innovation and forward-thinking. It demonstrates that the candidate is open to embracing new technologies and methods, a trait that could be invaluable in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. These individuals could drive the company towards innovation and encourage a culture of creative problem-solving.
  1. Efficiency and Time Management – Generative AI has the potential to save time and streamline the application process, which can indicate a candidate’s ability to leverage technology for efficiency. It suggests that they could bring similar time management and efficiency skills into their role within the company, ultimately boosting productivity.
  1. Relevancy in an AI-Driven Future – As AI continues to shape various industries and professions, having employees who understand and can navigate this technology will be crucial. Candidates who utilize AI in their application process are likely to have a foundational understanding of this technology, making them well-suited for the AI-driven future of work.
  1. Data-Driven Decision-Making – For years, I found it slightly amusing and often frustrating how many employers would claim to use data to drive their decisions when, in fact, they used data to justify their decisions. Over the past five or six years, I’ve seen a remarkable shift by employers away from using their gut instincts and toward the use of data to form their decisions. Using AI in the job application process indicates a comfort with data-driven decision-making, a highly sought-after skill in today’s business environment. AI, at its core, is about analyzing and leveraging data. Candidates who utilize AI may be more inclined to use data to inform their decisions, a skill that is valuable in various roles and industries.
  1. Leveling the Playing Field – While some may argue that using AI in job applications provides an unfair advantage, another perspective is that it helps level the playing field. For instance, non-native English speakers might use AI to help with language fluency in their applications, providing them with an opportunity they might not have otherwise had. If language fluency is not an important requirement of a job, then the use by these candidates of AI will help to ensure that their job applications will be better considered by employers who otherwise may have foolishly rejected them.

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