Career Advice for Job Seekers

How to maximize your job search and get hired fast

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels
Shelby Konkel
Sean Kelly (Guest Author)
October 18, 2022

When applying for jobs, everyone wants to get hired quickly. Unfortunately, the process of job searching can take a long time and be absolutely exhausting, and if you’re in a position where you need to find something as quickly as possible, it can also be incredibly stressful.

If you want to get hired fast, the best thing you can do is come up with a plan to get the most out of your job search. This way, you can weed out the jobs that may not be exactly what you’re looking for and have a better chance of getting noticed by employers whose positions match your skills and qualifications.

So how can you go about maximizing your job search? It’s pretty simple, but it takes a bit of dedication.

Get hired fast!

One of the most important things you can do is research, and that doesn’t just mean looking for jobs. It means looking at companies that you would want to work for, ones that are in your line of work. They could very well have some relevant openings, and even if they don’t, you can create a connection with them by calling and inquiring about openings or even offering to leave your resume on file for the next time they’re looking for candidates.

While you’re researching companies, you’ll also want to ascertain how the industry is doing. You might think that you want to work in a specific field within a particular industry, but it’s entirely possible that organizations within that industry may be struggling, and it might not be the most secure route to take. After all, things have been tough economically for all kinds of businesses over the past few years. It may take some restrategizing and pivoting to find a job that makes the most sense financially and in the long term.

Another way to maximize your job search is to strengthen your network. Friends, family, former colleagues, and people you’ve connected with on sites like LinkedIn—these are all people who can help get the word out about you and your qualifications. They might also even have leads on jobs and may be willing to recommend you. You’ll never know if you don’t put yourself out there, and getting help from the people around you isn’t a bad thing. It’s actually a smart thing to do!

When searching on job boards for open positions, make sure that your search is as narrow as possible. Search for exact job titles that you’re qualified for, or ones that are close, and be sure to use filters to specify your search even more. Filter by salary range, job type, skills, and whatever else you’re able to filter by in order to find jobs that match as closely as possible to what you’re looking for. Lucky for you, College Recruiter recently launched an all-new job board experience, led by best-in-class AI-powered algorithms to find the best-matching jobs and to help you get hired fast!

One final way to maximize your job search is to get in early and stay connected. Similarly to cold calling companies you want to work for, make sure to call companies you’ve applied with (and perhaps were rejected by) and ask them to keep your resume on file. Be personable and inquire about other possible openings that match your skills, and try to get ahead of the game next time something opens up. The best thing you can do for your career is to stay connected across your industry, that way you’ll have the best chance at getting a great job as quickly as possible going forward. 

— Article by Sean Kelly. In addition to being an analyst researching the latest industry trends for College Recruiter, Sean Kelly also co-founded a nonprofit local news publication in Savannah, GA called The Savannahian.

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