Career Advice for Job Seekers

Uncovering Job Opportunities In A Dynamic Real Estate Industry

William Frierson AvatarWilliam Frierson
April 1, 2015

real estate word over a modern facade with reflection of a building in the mirror

Real estate word over a modern facade with reflection of a building in the mirror. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.

There are not many career fields that have as many interesting and varied opportunities as the real estate industry does. There are many ways to get into this exciting industry. Some may require completing a course for real estate license purposes, while others require either a basic college degree or an advanced degree, with a primary emphasis on real estate.

Some students who have graduated from real estate licensing courses become traditional realtors, either working for an established real estate firm or as self-employed realtors. In fact, about 50 percent of realtors are self-employed. Others, however, go into occupations that have an emphasis in real estate, while being in an entirely different industry.

Real Estate Opportunities Are Found In Unique Places

Traditionally, people may think of a real estate career as a realtor showing homes or business properties to prospective buyers. While this is one career area, there are many others that a person can go into with an education in real estate. These can include:

– Property Management – Some realtors enjoy the management aspect of real estate and choose to go into property management

– Appraisal – Those who are interested in numbers and making sure homes actually sell for their true worth enjoy working in real estate appraisal

– Banks – Banks may hire real estate experts in their investment banking departments or in areas to help consumers who are interested in buying homes, investment or business properties

– Corporate real estate – Corporations may have a need for real estate expertise, especially when the company is considering investing in real estate as another source of capital and income

– Development and Construction – Businesses considering acquiring and developing new properties, or the construction of new properties may need the services of someone with real estate expertise

– Government – Some people with a real estate background find work in government positions such as in the FHA, in the Department of the Interior or with the Military

Finding The Right Job

Finding a job in real estate that is a good fit depends on specific interests, personality traits and personal goals. Most people with a real estate background work in an office atmosphere, regardless of their career choice. Careers in real estate are ideal for those who love a fast pace and an action filled environment.

Those who have taken real estate licensing courses or have recently completed renewal courses may find that a traditional job as a realtor is a good choice. Most states have regulations about the number of hours someone must complete in a course for real estate license purposes.

A Less Traditional Option Can Be A Good Choice

Others may decide on a less traditional route within an industry that interests them. Jobs in corporate real estate, with the government or in industries like banks or real estate development enterprises might be the perfect fit. The idea is to choose a job that will continue to be challenging and enjoyable into the future.

This post comes from REAA, Brisbane’s real estate licensing, training and certification specialists.

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