Career Advice for Job Seekers

How to Find Your First Paid Job Overseas

William Frierson AvatarWilliam Frierson
March 10, 2015

Tradesman holding a globe and a wad of money

Tradesman holding a globe and a wad of money. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.

If you just recently graduated college and want to find a job overseas, you should know what you are doing. Otherwise, if you don’t have a solid plan, you are not going to have an easy time landing a job in your dream location. With that being said, here are four tips on how to find your first paid job overseas.

Learn a bit of the language:

Now, if you want to apply for a job, you must know the language in that country. But, you must take it further. For example, if you are from the United States and want to apply for a job in England, you will want to know the basic differences in the language. You should learn how they speak as some words, phrases and slang are different. By doing this and tailoring your resume to the local market, you can impress the hiring manager and get him or her to read your resume and profile further.

Learn about the area and if it’s truly the right fit for you:

Think about it for a minute, if you want to get your first job overseas, you will want to like the area. Often, a young person will think that he or she will love their new place. Then, when getting there, one will find out it’s not for them. To confirm this, you should read up on the place and make sure you can afford it. Furthermore, you will want to visit the area to understand if you will like it. Ideally, when you want to choose a place, you should check out a few places so you can have a plan if one doesn’t work out for you.

Understand the local etiquette:

When you want to apply for a job, you should understand basic etiquette in the area. While a hiring manager will give you some slack, you should understand how things work in that area. For example, in some areas of the world, if you are persistent and constantly email the hiring manager about a potential job, you will hurt your cause. This is opposite in other areas of the globe, and you must know how you should act in any given country. When doing so, you can shoot to the top of the list as people will be impressed and feel naturally compelled to talk to you if you already seem like a good fit for the company culture.

Really work on your resume:

Finally, if you want to land a job in a foreign land, you have to stand out. Otherwise, if you have the same qualifications and story as others, you will have a hard time getting to the front of the line. For this reason, if you want to get the best job offers, make sure you have a great resume. If not, you will struggle to convince anyone to take a second look.

If you want to get a job overseas, follow these four steps, and you are well on your way to getting your foot in the door.

This post is provided courtesy of Hunt Migration. If you’d like to know more about obtaining a visa: for work, holiday or family, check out their website.

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