Career Advice for Job Seekers

Want Your Resume to Resonate with an Employer? Apply the Following Tips

William Frierson AvatarWilliam Frierson
February 25, 2015

How much thought have you put into writing your resume?  While the thought of getting your dream entry level job or other position is exciting, you need to first prove that you are the best candidate through a quality resume that speaks to a potential employer.  Whether it is your first time applying for a job or you’re returning to the workforce, you want to make the right first impression.  So, how can you accomplish this goal on your way to achieving the biggest goal, which is employment?  Apply the following tips for your resume to resonate with an employer.

Kick in keywords – Take a look at the job description of the position you are applying for.  Look for keywords that are important to the job.  If there are words used multiple times relative to the job, that likely means they are important so include them in your resume.  By adding keywords to your resume, a company’s applicant tracking system (ATS) has a better chance of recognizing it.

Customize each resume – Instead of using a general resume when applying for every job, create a unique one each time.  Consider the fact that every company is different and has specific expectations for the job you’ve applied for.  Your resume should demonstrate that you have what it takes to meet the needs of an employer.

Emphasize the company’s needs – Speaking of the company’s needs, be sure to communicate your ability to address them.  Find out what is most important to the employer and the job.  Highlight any relevant skills and experience you have to give a hiring manager confidence that you are the right man or woman for the job.

Less is more – Even though you may be tempted to be creative on your resume, it is best to keep things simple.  Use an easy to read font and font size, and use proper spacing.  Also, don’t worry about adding pictures.  By keeping your resume simple, the reader can focus more on your substance rather than style.

Elevate your education – If you are well educated in a particular field relative to a job, talk about it on your resume.  As a recent graduate, having your college degree shows your willingness to learn and a commitment to your future.  A potential employer will also know that you’re more prepared for a particular position.

When writing your resume, you need to concentrate on making the right first impression.  Be sure that you understand an employer’s needs and are able to communicate them effectively.  The tips above can help you create a quality resume that resonates with a prospective employer in order to take one step towards landing the job you want.

Featured:  Featured Job hunting is an extremely stressful time, whether you are currently employed or not. The issue is that for many people, resumes remain a source of confusion and concern. They are not sure how to present themselves so that they look their best, and some people do not understand

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