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Parents, Are You Giving Homework Help to Your Children?

William Frierson AvatarWilliam Frierson
January 26, 2015

According to the US educational system, if parents want their child to succeed at school, they are to help their kids with homework. The case is, students spend 70% of their waking time out of school.
Many parents face loads of troubles on the ground of this issue. Some of them are too busy because of their work, some are just surprised with the level of the difficulty of the materials their kids get at school. decided to find out the exact numbers and statistics from this field.
Really interesting is the fact that parents studying-activity frequently depends on their age and gender. We also managed to differentiate the most popular subjects parents help their kids with. Parents’ being interested in the studying life of their kids increases children’s interest in school and makes them enjoy studying more.
There are some rules and guidelines that can help parents deal with studies, such as there should be a definite time for doing homework, as well as, a definite place. Kids shouldn’t be distracted while dealing with their home assignments. All the materials needed should be provided for the child, so that he/she won’t waste time on unnecessary researches.


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