Career Advice for Job Seekers

Career: The Need for Skin Specialists in Polluted Cities

William Frierson AvatarWilliam Frierson
September 10, 2014

Dermatology consultation with a man

Dermatology consultation with a man. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.

The importance of skin specialists has increased considerably in view of greater incidences of skin ailments and infections. Higher levels of pollution coupled with unhealthy food habits has resulted in more number of dermatological cases particularly among teenagers and young adults. Doctors treating skin diseases also treat nail and hair fall. Dermatological cases are more rampant in tropical regions because of unfavourable climatic conditions of heat and humidity.

In addition to treatment of diseases, skin specialists are attending to cases of cosmetic surgery and skin ageing as looking good is now a great concern. The trend is popular among young adults and middle aged patients. The demand for dermatologists has thus increased significantly in recent years.

From the point of view of a career in medicine, dermatology is among the less stressful. Cases of emergency are few and most diseases are curable at home. There are rare dermatological cases that need hospitalization. Keeping these in mind it could be said that the life of a skin specialist is less worrisome than a cardiologist, or gastroenterologist.

Types and nature of Skin diseases

There are certain skin ailments that are curable and some chronic. The chronic diseases though not curable are controllable and could be monitored. Acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea are common skin diseases of chronic nature.

Acne – Acne or simply called pimples are common particularly among teenagers. It begins at puberty and continues for about 5 to 10 years. Normally it is more severe in boys having oily skin. Among boys the incidence of this disease subsides when they are nearing 20. However acne is found in moderate numbers among women in their 30’s. Acne is caused when secretions from sebaceous gland block hair follicle openings. Though it occurs more on your face, they also occur on your shoulders, chest, upper arms, neck and back.

Eczema – This is a medical condition of skin inflammation and irritation. This is an allergic condition often accompanying hay fever or asthma. It is mostly found in infants within 10 years of age. Among adults the incidence of this disease is about 3 percent.

Psoriasis – This is another common skin disorder where there are formations of red plaques with silvery scales. Elbows, knees, lower back and scalp are the common locations of this disease. This is non-contagious and hereditary in nature.

Rosacea – This disorder is found on human face. Redness of forehead, nose, cheeks and chin are the indications of this disease. This redness could become severe with nose becoming bulbous, and blood vessel visible.

Scabies, ringworm, shingles, warts, impetigo, chilblains, and cold sores are other common skin ailments.

Hair fall and hair care

With levels of pollution reaching extreme limits hair care has become an area of focus for dermatologists. Split ends, premature greying, lice, and unhealthy hair are common problems faced by city inhabitants. Smoke, dirt, floating particles, and invisible carbon particles are the causes to these disorders. Castor oil is an excellent product for tackling your hair problems. This oil contains ricinoleic acid which when applied to your scalp stimulates blood circulation and prevents hair loss.

Regular massage of this oil to our scalp increases blood circulation to hair follicles thereby inducing growth. Omega-6 fatty acid present in castor oil keeps hair healthy and strong. Anti bacterial, and anti-fungal properties of this oil keeps you scalp free from micro-organisms and pathogens. Moisturising and conditioning properties keep your tresses lustrous and shiny and prevent hair damage.

About the author – Dr. Brian McNamara is a cosmetic surgeon with an experience of twenty years. He is a medical consultant and has done thorough research on properties and uses of castor oil. His articles and blogs make beneficial reading.

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