Career Advice for Job Seekers

Career Advice To Young Job Seekers

William Frierson AvatarWilliam Frierson
May 8, 2014

Young college student smiling while holding school supplies

Young college student smiling while holding school supplies. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.

If you’re about to finish your college education this term, you must be thinking of how you’re going to get a job after you graduate. Many students thought that life after college is just like walking in a park. They believe that since they have earned their degree and got their diploma, finding a job will be just a piece of cake for them. Sorry to popped out your bubble dream, my friend, but finding success in a complicated job market is not as easy as you have imagined.

Getting your first job will take a lot of personal motivations, patience, determination, and courage. Sending out your applications to a multitude of businesses or companies doesn’t work alone. Many people are also looking for a job and it’s difficult to stand out among the crowd. If you plan to jump right into a full-time career after graduation, please take this advice at heart if you want to get the right job for you.

Start putting yourself out there and try your best to get the attention of employers by trying something that will make you noticeable.

1. Build an online presence

Take advantage of the social media and establish your online presence. You can use social networking sites to get yourself noticed by employers. You can also create a personal blog wherein you can showcase your goals, interests, achievements, and skills. This is an easy way of advertising yourself online.

2. Be a good researcher

Researching is an important skill that you should practice when looking for a job. Make an in-depth research about your target industries. Study the company’s top performers and see if you possessed the qualities that they have. Aside from that, know also every detail about their services, products, and goals. Doing your assignment (research) will become your advantage to other applicants.

3. Take advantage of the career services center

Your Alma mater has the available resources that you need in your job search. In your career services center, there is a trained professional or a career mentor that can guide you in landing your first job. Do not waste that opportunity. Maximize and use it to your advantage.

4. Utilize technology

Facebook, twitter, google+, and LinkedIn are websites that allow you to connect and interact with your colleagues, friends, and future employers. If you use the technology to sell yourself be careful in every information that you post online because a simple foolish tweet or status can damage your reputation.

5. Job interview preparation

Being prepared before going to a job interview is the key to impress your employers. Do not forget your homework, research everything about the company and the position you’re applying for. Do not go there under-dressed or overdressed. You should show up your best self and do not forget to show courtesy.

6. Always have a plan and a backup plan

When things gets hard or what you expect didn’t happen the way you want it, do not give up. Be resourceful. If you fail to get accepted in your dream job perhaps trying other industries will be good for you. Do not limit yourself to a particular career type only. Apply to other companies too because you might find your luck there.

7. Try freelance jobs or get an internship

If you haven’t received any call back from the companies you’ve applied for, you can use your extra time in getting freelance jobs. While waiting for your big break, trying some real-work experience by taking an internship program or freelance work can add value to your résumé.

8. Work hard and be flexible

The world out there has a lot of challenges. You will surely make mistakes as you apply for your job prospects. No matter how difficult it is to get hired, do not stop working hard. Keep striving and be flexible. Your time will come and all your hard work will get paid off.

Author Bio:

Candace Meyer is a writer at She is a blogger, photographer, and traveler. She’s fond of classic books and writing good articles, stories, and poems. To know more about her visit her personal blog, Sweet Candace and follow her in google+.

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