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Back to School: How to get back into the School Routine Quickly

William Frierson AvatarWilliam Frierson
August 20, 2013

Female college student showing blackboard/chalkboard with Back To School

Female college student showing blackboard/chalkboard with Back To School. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.

Going “Back to School” is not usually a favorite time of the year for students. However, when you get to college, the back to school experience is quite different and can be much more exciting than the younger years. Back to school while in college is quite different than in years past since it usually means living on campus, getting back into dorm life, and being independent all over again, in addition to hitting the books and studying for class. We have 6 ideas and tips for you to make falling back into the college routine quick and easy.

1.    Plan ahead. We know, it is hard to not take advantage of every bit of summer that is left, but the sooner you start on your school routine, the sooner it will be habit. By plan ahead, we don’t only mean just your sleeping schedule either. Plan ahead for meals, clothing, and try and think of everything ahead of time so that you will not have to worry about spending time on it when you are studying or preparing for your first tests of the year. In fact, if you can remember to make a list at the end of each school year, you can refer back to it at the start of each new school year with a precise list of everything you will need.

2.    Move back to campus a few days early. Getting onto campus can help you get back into school mode while still giving you a chance to relax and catch up with friends. It also gives you a chance to map out your classes and get your timing and schedule all set. Being one of the first ones back onto campus also can afford you some benefits such as signing up for preferred seating at the dining hall and set up study groups, lab appointments and other things that will help your entire school year go much more smoothly.

3.    Set goals. Thinking ahead to the whole year and each semester can help you get your calendar in order and a routine down when you have goals in sight. You can set different daily, weekly, monthly, and semester goals. Keep a checklist to make sure that you are on track to meet your goals.

4.    Write out your schedule and your calendar. Make sure that you have time to get to your classes, schedule when you will eat lunch and your lab times, library times, and a study schedule.

5.    Stock your refrigerator and pantry. Make sure that you have foods for quick breakfasts and snacks.

6.    Reward yourself for being prepared. It is always important for us to take time to celebrate the college lifestyle. Make plans to do something exciting off campus after you finish the first day of school and after the first week of school. It can be something simple like ice cream or a favorite treat after school. The weekend treat could be a back to school dinner and a movie with your friends.

Bio: Amanda Greene is author and Brand Manager at RHL. She enjoys sharing college and dorm life tips and ideas.

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