Career Advice for Job Seekers

How to spot a job that is not right for you

William Frierson AvatarWilliam Frierson
March 4, 2013

Felix Tarcomnicu

Felix Tarcomnicu, CEO and Founder of

We work approximately a quarter of our lives.  So isn’t it important that we at least like our jobs?  It makes sense that we should.  However, many people go through their careers hating their jobs, and just going through the motions everyday just to earn that paycheck every two weeks.  Don’t be one of those people.  Instead, find a career that you enjoy and find a job that is a good fit for you.  But identifying a job or career you love takes time.  But in the meantime, you should do as much as possible to avoid jobs that you know are not for you.  How do you do that?  Here are five ways to go about identifying a job that might not be for you.  Use this list to check if it aligns with your values and cross-reference it with any jobs you might want to apply for, or currently have.

Future Advancement

You might be excited to land that entry level job right after college, but not that the entry level job leads to a dead end.  It is important to research the position and know that the position will at least open doors down the road—if not with the same company then at least with other companies in the field.

Does It Go Against What You Believe In?

You should never take a job whose duties go against your own integrity, no matter how much it pays.  You will end up hating yourself.  You may think that sacrificing your values for one or two years for the money is no big deal.  But it is a big deal.  Your ethics and morals are intrinsic to your character; they are what make you who you are.

Would You Be Embarrassed To Talk About It?

You should want a job that you are proud of and are not ashamed to let your friends and family know about.  So when you are looking at job announcements, find a position that you will be proud of talking about.  A good test is to ask yourself, “would I want to tell someone I’m dating that this is my job?”.

Will This Kind Of Work Bring You Joy?  Or Will It Kill Your Spirit?

You want a job you will be excited to go to everyday and won’t dread. It is important to read the job description and the different duties you will be doing. If the description of the position is one that you know you will not find interesting and challenging, than perhaps it is not the right job for you.  For most people, cold-calling will kill their spirits—so be wary of cold-calling jobs even if they promise a high commission for closed sales.

Does It Pay Enough?

Although many people say that money should not count, it does.  Doing something you love just isn’t enough to pay the bills sometimes.  This is a hard truth to swallow, but many of us have to first worry about putting a roof over our heads and feeding ourselves.  It’s a hard pill to swallow for those just out of college.  If you find that you truly have a passion for a penniless career, make sure you have an additional source of income that will at least guarantee that you will be above the poverty line.  However, if you are someone who is not in need of money then go full force into applying for whatever your heart desires. Chasing money can reduce opportunities available to you in the future.

Author bio

Felix has been writing articles for job seekers and for the last 5 years. He is the CEO and founder of There has recently published the article: 10 things to do when you are unemployed

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