Career Advice for Job Seekers

Direct Phone Calls – a Dying Practice? Or a Really Great Idea?

William Frierson AvatarWilliam Frierson
August 22, 2012

Laura Wagner

Laura Wagner, Résumé Writer & Career Coach

Are you comfortable calling people and selling yourself? Or is your phoneaphobia so bad you can’t even call to order a pizza? The telephone remains an important resource in your job campaign and since it is really important to get yourself in front of hiring managers, you need to embrace it!

But what if you pick up the phone and freeze? Who do you call? What do you say? Is it really that important?

Imagine the job opening receives 100 resumes in response to their advertisement. 100 pieces of paper telling stories of 100 different people and backgrounds. The hiring manager is buried underneath these stacks of paper. Then the phone rings and you introduce yourself, and give the hiring manager the opportunity to find your piece of paper. You suddenly become the one person making an effort to differentiate yourself from the masses. You get the opportunity to sell yourself before an interview is even scheduled.

To get to this point you must practice. You can’t call and stumble upon your words or the hiring manager will recycle your piece of paper without a second thought. How do you practice? Call your friends. Call your relatives. Call recruiters. Write a script, get your voice and tone correct, and then make that call.

Your goal is to secure an in-person interview. You don’t want to be screened out, so be ready with at least 3 different stories that present challenges you have faced and results you have delivered. Don’t do all the talking – make sure you ask open-ended questions. Close the conversation as soon as you secure an interview or receive a referral.

The phone call can be the best tool in your arsenal. Just make sure to develop a script, practice, and show your best side. Good luck!

About the Author: Laura Wagner is a professional writer with the talent for turning your résumé into a winning sales pitch. If your goal is standing out among the millions of résumés in today’s competitive job market, having a clear and precise snapshot of yourself is vital. Laura can rework your résumé into a compelling entrée for you to secure the interviews necessary to achieve your career goals.

Article courtesy of the Recruiting Blogswap, a content exchange service sponsored by, a leading site for college students looking for internships and recent graduates searching for entry level jobs and other career opportunities.

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