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Keep Your Eyes on the Prize: How to Remain Focused While Earning an Online Degree

William Frierson AvatarWilliam Frierson
July 26, 2012

Focused While Earning an Online DegreeThe majority of students, from those seeking their online RN to BSN to individuals earning a Distance Learning MBA, are discovering the many advantages the internet, in terms of education, has to offer. Flexibility, lower costs, a multitude of degree programs and opportunity to stay home in the rain to attend classes are just a few of the benefits online education offers to first time students, those seeking advanced degrees and busy professionals.

Unfortunately, the lack of one-on-one instruction and invigorating classroom involvement has a negative impact on many online students, causing them to lose focus, which can have a negative impact on their grades and future job prospects. If you’re concerned about dealing with the solitude and need for self-motivation that online education requires, here are a few strategies, tips and tricks to help ensure you remain focused and successful:

Balancing Work/Home/School

The convenience of studying and attending classes on your own schedule is one of the main factors why many harried professionals and parents are choosing to pursue a degree online. However, online education is not a magic solution, nor can you create more hours in the day to spend with your family and friends while attempting to earn a degree and hold down a full-time job. To ensure no aspect of your life is neglected, it’s important to ease into your online degree program, instead of jumping in feet first. Begin by taking one to two classes your first semester. If the workload seems feasible and you don’t miss any of your daughter’s ballet recitals, tack on additional credit hours next semester.

Create a Realistic Schedule

Every successful military strategist will tell you that wars aren’t necessarily won on the battlefield. It takes a thoughtful plan of action to ultimately prosper and this fact holds true in the world of online education. Creating a realistic schedule, and sticking to it, allows you to remain focused on your studies, which will help you avoid the dreaded missed hours of sleep and well-deserved relaxation time. Set aside a certain number of hours each week, preferably those when you are most alert and awake and devote them to your studies. If you’re a morning person, consider studying before work. Conversely, as a night owl, you’re probably more productive after the kids have gone to bed. Remain vigilant, stick to your schedule and you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish in short blocks of time.

Your Workspace

Many students attending classes online overlook one important factor to achieve success and remain focused on their studies: a quiet home workspace. Never attempt to research and write a paper, read your text or attend an online class discussion in the living room during peak kid play hours. This is a recipe for unparalleled disaster, not to mention the best way to lose your cool and throw in the proverbial towel. Instead, create a quiet workspace in your home, preferably a room that’s away from the hustle and bustle of kids, spouses, rough housing and loud televisions. Your studies will remain the center of your attention when there are no other distractions fluttering around in the background.

Never Procrastinate!

Many find the laid-back and casual atmosphere of online education more conducive to their ultimate academic success, but this doesn’t mean the program is devoid of deadlines and stress. As with traditional, campus-based education, it’s a prudent idea to never put your work off until the last minute. You’ll find it near impossible to focus on your studies and churn out quality work, when your blood pressure is rising, your hands are shaking and your heart is racing, as the assignment’s zero hour fast approaches.

Ask for Help

Most successful individuals are only as good as the people surrounding them, which is why leaning on your friends, parents, spouse and extended family while attending courses online is so integral. If the kids are driving you crazy and the sink filled with dirty dishes is seriously compromising your concentration, never be afraid to ask someone that truly cares about you to take the kids, help you straighten up your house or offer a shoulder to cry on when life becomes unmanageable.

If you’re still having trouble remaining focused on your coursework — no matter if you’re working toward earning your distance education MBA or attending an introductory workshop – don’t hesitate to contact your academic advisor. He or she is an invaluable source of information and strength and available for more than simply picking out next semester’s classes.

This article was provided by Becky Romano.  Becky is currently taking online RN to BSN courses and expects to graduate next year.

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