Career Advice for Job Seekers

12 Intangibles to Consider Before Accepting a Job Offer

William Frierson AvatarWilliam Frierson
March 29, 2012

You finally have the formal job offer in hand. But wait! Suddenly, out of nowhere, that long-shot interview you went on paid off. Now you’ve got not one, but two job offers in hand and you need to make a decision. Granted we’re talking champagne problems here, but this is a decision that will affect you for years to come, so you’d better look at every aspect of both jobs and examine everything carefully.

This will be your home away from home for the foreseeable future and a lot is riding on your decision. Here are some things to look for (beyond the obvious salary and benefits) that can help you choose.

1. The Vibe

Job A allows you to indulge in the occasional wild hairstyle or bare your neck to the wind minus a necktie on a daily basis. But maybe you’d be more comfortable in a more traditional, quiet workplace provided by Job B.

Every company has its own vibe. A traditional business will operate with the predictability of a precise marching band. A more progressive corporation will bend “the usual” in favor of a more syncopated environment. You need to weigh the pros and cons of each, compare it to your personality and make the decision that best fits your personality.  Continue reading . . .

Article by Heather Dugan and courtesy of

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