A Recruiter Calls You At Work, What Should You Do?

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February 22, 2011

With the economy slowly coming out of the Great Recession and more jobs opening up some folks in some industries, skill sets and locations are noticing an increasing number of calls from Recruiters (Search Firm and Corporate).

These can be very awkward to take on the spot and you may not be able to say much if anything.

A seasoned Recruiter will be able to hear or sense the uneasiness in your voice. That and well, we expect you may not be able to talk.

So what to do?

– Be sure to get the name and number of the Recruiter. Email works too. Anything so you can get back in touch with them.

– Give them a non work phone number and email address to reach you.

– Agree to have a conversation at a more convenient time.

Yes I know those are obvious but when you get one of these calls and you are not ready for it you may forget.

The reason to get their contact information is they may be calling a lot of people and forget to call you back. Or, they could find who they are looking for (or enough of who they are looking for) and not need to call you back.

Sure that sounds rude but until you have sat in my chair don’t judge :)

CAUTION: be very, very careful about using company resources including the phone and your time and DO NOT use company email.

You never know who is looking at it.


Author Byline: Paul DeBettignies is a Minnesota IT Recruiter and authors the Minnesota Headhunter blog.
Author Website: http://www.mnheadhunter.com

Article courtesy of the Recruiting Blogswap, a content exchange service sponsored by CollegeRecruiter.com, a leading site for college students looking for internships and recent graduates searching for entry level jobs and other career opportunities.

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