Offbeat Jobs

ningcontent Avatarningcontent
January 27, 2011

Once they have graduated from college, graduates hope to find the right entry level job, preferably in their major. However, some of them may be willing to take positions somewhat out of the ordinary that could lead to a potential career. These positions are known as offbeat jobs. While they might not be the type of jobs you would normally pursue, they should be respected like people in other professions such as doctors, lawyers, and teachers.

So, what are some examples of offbeat jobs? The following:

You can read more about these jobs on the website below. Here are some other jobs I thought about:

  • Recording artists in music
  • Actors/Actresses
  • Politicians

I believe offbeat jobs can best be described as “unique”. They are the jobs that most people with a college degree probably wouldn’t consider in the real world. An offbeat job is not for everyone, but it could be perfect for you. That’s why entry level job seekers should stay open-minded; it could lead them to unexpected opportunities.

Originally posted by William Frierson

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