Experienced Women Engineers, Scientists and Technicians in High Demand

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January 27, 2011

There are a lot of entry level jobs available in science, engineering and technology, but they aren’t often filled with women. So what’s a company to do with so many available positions? Offer them to former women employees, of course.
One of the few positive recent developments in the work world is the creation of re-entry programs for women in science, engineering and technology. Because the turnover for expereinced women in these fields is high, employers expect to have plenty of openings for women who are ready to return to work.
Employers like Honeywell, General Electric, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and – yes – the British government have aleady implemented programs to help experienced women transition back into their careers as scientists, engineers and technicians.
Because women in these fields are often stressed, overworked and isolated, they tend to leave their jobs within 10 years. The good news for employers is that after several years of staying at home, many women are now eager to return to the workforce.
Some employers, like IBM, have begun wooing former women employees with luncheons, hoping to persuade them to return; the results so far have been positive.
There are a few bright spots in the job market, despite the dismal state of the economy, and the demand for experienced women to return to the workforce is just one of them. Stay-at-home moms who are itching to return to careers in engineering, science or technology couldn’t be luckier right now.
Source: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123552495529565395.html?mod=dist_smartbrief

Originally posted by Candice A

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