Ways to keep your email campaigns out of Junk/SPAM folders.

ningcontent Avatarningcontent
January 27, 2011

Are you suddenly having issues with your email campaigns being relegated to junk mail or SPAM folders? Try taking a closer look at your subject line. Do you have punctuation? Is a word all in CAPS? These are a just a couple of the things that virtually guarantee your email message will end up being flagged as junk mail. Here are a few quick tips to help reroute that email to the recipients inbox.

  1. Eliminate puntuation. Particularly offensive to SPAM filters are quotation marks, exclamation points and dollar signs.
  2. Do not include any words in ALL CAPS or us extra S p a c e s in words.
  3. Keep the subject line as simple as you can while still conveying your message effectively. The greater the number of words, the greater the chance of it going into a SPAM filter.
  4. Avoid certain words like free, guarantee, act now, apply. For a more comprehensive list, visit Top 100 Words to NOT use in a Subject Line.

These tips should help your email campaigns reach your desired recipients. If you still have issues with the email going to junk or SPAM, spend some time testing alternative subject lines and different word combinations. This has proven successful for us!

Originally posted by blarson

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