Why Recruiters Want To Hire You

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January 27, 2011

College students are beginning to experience the call of the recruiter more and more often these days. Entry level jobs are being offered and negotiations being made every day for the entry level employment of current college students. With this being the case, you may be wondering just why recruiters are putting such an emphasis on hiring you as a future graduate.
To put it simply, recruiters make the best return on their company’s investment by hiring early. On average, it cost the recruiters corporation anywhere from three thousand to six thousand dollars to hire a new employee to fill an entry level job. Typically, it takes thirty days before this individual will decide to take the position. By starting the recruitment process earlier, the recruiter gets first access to the very best students in their field while their relative value in the workplace is still quite low due to lack of experience. Thus, a recruiter can be fairly confident that those who choose to accept the offer of an entry level job upon graduation will have up-to-date skill sets and the ability to perform their job functions at a much lower salary than seasoned professionals in their field. In other words, work experience is a valuable commodity and companies expect to pay a premium for it. Those with less experience but equivalent education can be hired for a lower price so early recruitment efforts are on the rise. When you consider, the average employee increases a companies annual revenue by $150,000 and, in some of the major corporate players, this figure can go as high as $300,000, it is a matter of simple mathematics to understand the potential for increased profits that is the bread and butter of the college recruiter.

Originally posted by pink_rain09@msn.com

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