Using Team Work To Find A Job

ningcontent Avatarningcontent
January 27, 2011

Traditionally, people have considered the search for entry level jobs to be a solitary expedition. A single college graduate going out into the world to make their fortunes has been the long held perception of the college educated job seeker. But thanks to the power of networking, you no longer need to be the lone wolf on the hunt for an entry level job.
More and more, college students and recent graduates are realizing the value of collective experiences when seeking entry level jobs. If you and a few friends are also seeking to find entry level jobs, why not take the time to share the experience? By making the search for entry level employment a group experience, you can cover a greater amount of territory in your search, share each others disappointments and cheer each others successes. Additionally, being part of the group of steadfast entry level job seekers may help you to further your career as you and your friends advance through the business world and share your network of friends and contacts. You never know when your friend who is looking for an entry level job in the computer programming department is doing so because his parents are successful business owners in the marketing field and he doesn’t want to go into the family business but he would be more than happy to see the job in his parents company offered to you.
Entry level job searches are no longer the domain of the individual job seeker. The new entry level job hunt is a team sport.

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