Be thankful for your interviews

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January 27, 2011

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PULLMAN, WA — You have a great interview and wait to hear the good news – but it never comes. The employer felt someone else was more qualified but didn’t let you know. Unfortunately, rejection is often part of the job search process, but courtesy works both ways. Question: What should I do after an interview to follow up with employers if they do not call me back?

Answer: The must-do after every interview is writing a thank you letter (or e-mail ). It should be sent out within 24 hours of the interview. The thank you letter is an opportunity for you to reinforce why you are right for the position! In your letter, briefly restate what qualifications you have which fulfill the employer’s needs perfectly. If there were any points from the interview you feel resonated as high points, mention these to jog the employer’s mind about how great you are!
One last note: If you have interviewed, sent your thank you letter and not heard from an employer, it is perfectly acceptable to call them and ask about the status of the position. The bottom line is always write a thank you letter after interviewing. Respect potential employers and, hopefully, they will respect you.
Article abridged from The Daily Evergreen, and reprinted from Get the latest breaking News, Tips and Tools for your job search, Free!

Originally posted by sarah ennenga

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