Job searches 10 years from now

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January 27, 2011

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SAN JOSE, CA — As technology continues to personalize, how you make your networking connections will change and mean more. Historically, recruiting companies used newspapers, websites, radio and the traditional marketing methods to seek out new candidates. Now with the advent of MySpace, Facebook, blogging, and RSS feeds–all these things serve as new and different ways for recruiters to connect with people.

Recruitment podcasts and videos have become more and more popular, and many recruiters are just using them as a new way to connect with candidates. Certainly, hearing a voice or seeing a video probably has more impact than seeing text resume on paper or a website.
Consider a day 10 years down the road where interviews are conducted online. You know, a company is in New York, and they’re looking for a VP of marketing. They funnel it down to 8 candidates, and they interview those candidates via webcam. Then, when it funnels down to the top three, they bring those three in to their headquarters. The video resume debate is slowing becoming hot and will continue to grow in popularity over the next few years.
Article abridged from US News Money & Business, and reprinted from Get the latest breaking News, Tips and Tools for your job search, Free!

Originally posted by sarah ennenga

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