Worried about the current job market?

ningcontent Avatarningcontent
January 27, 2011

Reprinted courtesy of TheCareerNews.com
PHOENIX, AZ — If you are currently worried about today’s job market, consider exploring the careers of the future. Imagining a job of the future brings to mind pictures of space explorers and teleportation technicians. However, career experts say the next wave of jobs will more likely demand foreign language skills, high levels of creativity and high-tech knowledge.

Administrators at the Thunderbird School of Global Management in Glendale, AZ say staying competitive means being ready for the global economy. The global economy is the ability to market products and services all over the globe. Researchers have even developed a test to measure job applicants’ “global mindset”. Corporations often prefer to hire people who speak more than one language, understand many cultures, and connect with diverse people.
Elaine Stover with Arizona State University’s Career Services was asked to weigh in on jobs with staying power. Those jobs are positions that are hard to outsource overseas. Stover says the next generation of hot computer jobs, including web design and video game design, will involve high levels of creativity. Health care jobs from nursing to insurance and support services will be needed as baby boomers get older, she adds. Plus, Stover says, there’s no substitute for teachers in grade school classrooms.
Article abridged from azcentral.com, and reprinted from TheCareerNews.com. Get the latest breaking News, Tips and Tools for your job search, Free!

Originally posted by sarah ennenga

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