Dream Job Spotlight: Interview with Chris, Political Speechwriter

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January 27, 2011

Given current events, I thought it would be appropriate for this dream job spotlight to focus on a political career. Below, we’re talking with Chris, 29, a speechwriter who gets paid to put eloquent words in the mouths of our favorite candidates and is featured in my new book, How’d You Score That Gig?
Alex: How do you feel about being a political speechwriter and why?
Chris: I really enjoy writing, and politics, and this is the ultimate combination of the two. I spend my mornings combing through the major news papers, and watching TV, getting a sense of what is going in the world, and ensuring that I’m topical in my material. I have a little trick I use that really helps me change my voice or tone for each client, to ensure that everything I write for them is unique. I read comic books. See, each comic book hero has his own secret identity, strengths and weaknesses. They also have an arch enemy of some kind, and this creates some of the building blocks for great oratory.
Alex: How did you get your first paying job?
Chris: I got my first paying job by volunteering my services early on. Whenever there’s an election, you reach out to the candidates, and offer your time and skills. They’re always looking for able volunteers, and I honed my craft through lots of practice, for free. The closer you work with a candidate, the better your collaborative product is, and the better you get. Persistence was key. I had to chase one client for a year, asking him over and over to give me a shot before they finally said yes. Start at the bottom, and work your way up.
Alex: What in your childhood, adolescence, or college experience prepared you for this career?
Chris: Early in my childhood, my father was a political and social commentary writer. He always had things to say about the way the government was doing things. He has a lot of passion for the arts, and for writing. In grade school, I was an active public speaker, and then ran for student council in high school. I fell in love with politics from there, and continued with it in college. The love of writing came later, when I realized that I could help my clients articulate their thoughts in a way that would move people.
Stay tuned for more from Chris!
Article by Alexandra Levit and courtesy of Water Cooler Wisdom blog.

Originally posted by Candice A

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