Plan Ahead for Summer Internships: Networking

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January 27, 2011

The first couple of months of the year are the best time to begin preparing for summer internships. This week, I’ll be sharing tips that have helped me get a jump on the competition and find the ideal position.
Begin Networking Now!
You will probably spend a lot of time researching potential internships from a variety of information sources such as Websites, newspapers, trade journals, and college career centers. While this is necessary and vital to your success, make sure you give equal time to good old-fashioned networking.
Log off your computer and beat the street! Get out and start working your network of anyone and everyone who might be able to help you. A personal appearance is much more likely to be remembered than an email or voicemail message, so it’s a good time to start catching up with old friends, family, and acquaintances over coffee. Encourage them to invite their friends. The meeting doesn’t have to be all about you, but when you’re asked what you have been up to, get right to the point and don’t be shy about asking for help.
Carry a large supply of business cards and hand a few to each person you think might be able to get them into the hands of others. Get the word out now that you are looking for a summer internship and you will increase the likelihood that others will call you when they hear of something. Give it a couple of weeks and then don’t hesitate to follow up with people. Your persistence and dedication is likely to motivate others to help you even more.

Originally posted by john h

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