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Orientation Therapist Sample Cover Letter

Candice A AvatarCandice A
June 29, 2007

All orientation therapist resume cover letters focus on the job applicants’ ability to guide, train, lead, and assist individuals with sight impairments so they can protect themselves as they walk, prepare food, eat, groom, handle money, etc. Any orientation therapist resume cover letter that is clear and effective in communicating the intention and ability of the job is very likely to land an interview and a job.

Jill Jobseeker
456 Beacon Ridge Lane
Centerville, USA 34576
January 25, 2006
Mr. David Richards
Hiring Manager
Pierpont School for the Blind
56 Baffin Street
Any Town, USA 78956
Dear Mr. Richards:
I have worked with the blind since I was a college student. My interest in this population resulted for my father going blind in his early 40s. Today I am writing this resume cover letter to apply for one of the positions you advertised on for trained and experienced orientation therapists. I have gone from a volunteer to a licensed therapist and look forward to making a career of this work.
Would you be free to get together for an in-person meeting next week, or at your convenience, to discuss my qualifications for joining your team as an orientation therapist?
Please call me at 456-777-8989 to set up a time that suits you. Thank you for considering my application and qualifications and for reading my resume cover letter.
Jill Jobseeker
Enclosure: cover letter and resume
Content provided by CareerJimmy
“Introducing the new, “Amazing Cover Letter Creator
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