Industry News and Information

Veterinary Assistant Sample Cover Letter

Candice A AvatarCandice A
June 14, 2007

Those who write veterinary assistant resume cover letters show their ability to manage the front office, assist with animal control, interact with clients, answer questions and handle basic office work. A veterinary assistant resume cover letter should include this and any other information relevant to the specific job in order to garner the hiring manager’s attention and land an interview.

Jill Jobseeker
98 Charter Drive
Any City Alabama 45673
September 5, 2005
Dr. Jonathan Quaid
Quaid Veterinary Services
203 Center Street
Any City, Alabama 45632
Dear Dr. Quaid:
I’ve interested in applying for one of the veterinary assistants jobs that you listed in That is the purpose of my introductory resume cover letter.
I am a well-liked employee and a good worker. I’m known for my compassion toward animals; I’m a good communicator with the public, and I am known for my impeccable record keeping. I know that all of these abilities are essential to professional veterinary assistant.
May I come by for an interview and to introduce myself in person? I am eager to find out what you expect from those you hire.
Please call me on my cell phone: 888-888-8888 to arrange an interview. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Jill Jobseeker
Enclosure: cover letter and resume
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