Are Temp Agencies Right for You?

andrew s Avatarandrew s
January 31, 2007

My answer to my own question would depend largely on when one were to have asked me, for I have worked for three different entry level temp agencies. After the first one you would have gotten form me something along the lines of “eh, maybe, they are okay,” a long string of obscenities after the second and finally some positive feedback after number three.
There are some entry level temp agencies out there that don’t seem to care what is going on so long as they keep geting part of your paycheck. Odds are you do not want to work for one like that-they are most unhelpful and frustrating to deal with. This can’t be emphasized enough; take note of how well the agency communicates with you and how well they listen to you. Were they listening when you told them what you were capable of doing and what you feel comfortable doing? The second one I worked for obviously wasn’t, and that ended up hurting both of us. The third one hooked me up with a job that matched my profile almost perfectly, and everything went smooth as could be. On the other end, how well you commuincate with them can also make or break your work. Even if the agency does have the right job for you and is more than willing to put you there, they can’t get you “your” job if they don’t know who you are. Dishonesty could put you in way over your head.
If you can find a good agency and are willing to be open, you should be fine at an enrty level temp agency. They can save you a lot of time, effort and frustration while potentially leading to good things in the future. It may not be a sure thing, but what in the job market is? At least this way you get a paid fair tryout instead of some rediculous one-shot dress rehearsal, right? Shop around for different agencies in your area and give it a shot if no offers are coming your way, entry level temp agencies are great for anyone needing experience.

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