Emerging Job Markets: Search Engine Optimization Positions

tahjia c Avatartahjia c
January 24, 2007

As surprising as it is, the search engine industry has taken a huge chunk out of the internet related jobs for stay-at-home or techie people like me. We are entering into a new world of opportunities and availabilities for people who want to work in emerging markets. For instance, search engine optimization positions include copywriting, pay-per-click managers, campaign managers, and etc. The list goes on and on, but are you interested in the opportunities out there for you?

SEO Specialists
Search engine optimization specialists are, in contrast, savvy search engine marketers who understand the scientific art of countering their competition on search engines. The basis of a SEO specialists work is to work with clients to note their current positions, critique their site’s metatags, keywords, and relevancy to the immediate searches of consumers. After researching this information, SEO specialists develop strong search engine optimization plans to help their clients become competitive within their industry’s searches.
Sounds fun, huh? It can be very exciting once you get the hang of pushing yourself ahead of the competition online.

SEO Copywriters

Well, I am going to give you a little brush of what is in store for search engine optimization candidates who want to tackle the new jobs. SEO copywriting is my expertise and it is growing at a rapid speed. SEO copywriting involves writing content for the search engines, but keeping it in context for others to read as well. You have to be careful with this kind of work because you may be considered a spammer by stuffing keywords all over a website to get a higher ranking. It will take a little time to get used to, but it is not hard to break into. Search engine optimizations positions for SEO copywriters are swarming everywhere on the internet. If you are a new writer, it is best to undertake an internship with someone to get the hang of keyword research.
Keyword Researchers
Keyword researchers
compile data from major search engines to help prospective clients identify a niche market. This search engine optimization position is one of the most important assets to the industry. In a way, a keyword researcher is like a doctor to a hospital. Without their ability to find reliable and workable keywords… a client may be caught in turbulence once their project is finishes. Talented keyword researchers can place a web site on the first or second page of search results with little issues. Not to mention the issues that is arising with personalized searches on the internet (gasp!). This position will be in high demand within the next three years so I guess you should prepare to be a part of it.
Do you like what you are seeing here? There are a lot more where these three came from and I bet you are interested in learning more. I will capitalize on this industry a little later once I learn the new, dynamic changes that are affecting the search engine optimization. You have the opportunity to find a search engine optimization position by …searching the engines!

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