Industry News and Information

Conducting Your Entry Level Job Search

alexandria w Avataralexandria w
January 9, 2007

In conducting my entry level job search, I’ve found many sources of job listings and ways to find potential jobs. Some methods have worked well for me and others not so well, but here are some of what’s worked for me.
The Internet is a great resource for your entry level job searches, with ways to connect to an endless number of job listings. Even the local newspaper will more than likely post their job listings online in order to reach a wider audience. If there’s a company that you’re really interested in working for, why not check out their website and find out what they’re hiring for right now?
Finding a good temp agency could also prove to be a great way to get your foot in the door. Not only do you get to try out the company on a temporary basis, but if you end up liking the job and the people you work with and if they like you back, you’ve got a much better chance of finding a full-time position that you’re qualified for than some unknown job applicant applying for the same position in the company.
Joining a professional group or association could be another great way to help your entry level job search along. You know when your job counselor told you it was all about networking, well, she was right. So many jobs never ever even make it to the public listings and end up being filled from within the company or through a connection. You could get lucky by being open about the fact that you’re out there looking for a job and being open to meeting new people.

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