Industry News and Information

It always comes at the wrong time

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October 27, 2006

You know when you have a really big job interview coming up and you’re so excited you can’t wait for it to happen. I had that job interview, a few months ago. It was a job perfect for me, one of those ones that just sounded like exactly what I thought I would be doing after a graduated. It gave me a chance to write and be creative. Not only that, but after talking to the interviewer on the phone, I was sure I had a good shot.
That is until the day before the interview, when I woke up to find out a cold was beginning to rob me of my voice. The next morning, it was all but gone along with my chances of a successful interview. Rolling myself out of bed, I decided I had to cancel the interview. There was no way I’d make the long drive, let alone the extensive questioning.
The interviewer was understanding and told me to call back as soon as I felt I could interview. Two days later, however, was too late. Someone has already been hired. I already had learned my lesson about not waiting too long, but when you don’t have a voice all you can do is wait. The interviewer apologized, and even praised me for knowing my own limits, as she said she would not have been impressed with me at an interview looking sick and unable to talk. Nonetheless I beat myself up for not trudging through the cold and sticking it out, sure that it was my own fault for losing the job.
I still wonder if I made the right choice, but I guess it all depends on the employer. I’ll never really know why I lost out on that one, but would it have been worth working for a company like that? Honesty starts at the door, I don’t intend to fake being sick, not to get out of work, so I won’t pretend to be well to stay in the interview. I’ve been to job interviews before sick, I never did get one of those jobs. I guess whether or not I got it, all that matters is the truth. That’s what good employers are looking for anyway.

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