Industry News and Information

Temporary Job Agencies, Entry-Level Work

samantha t Avatarsamantha t
September 14, 2006

For more background information on temping jobs (and the best way to find them) I say head to and for all your researching needs. There are many jobs banks available and I list some below as well as some other student accounts and opinions on temp agencies.
I don’t have first-hand experience with temp agencies but I have friends and family who have had very different experiences working as temps. My sister worked as a temp for about three months or so and then they asked her to stay on as a full-time employee. I believe that she lucked out on that one because it does not seem to be the typical course of a temp job, but it is possible (obviously). I have a classmate who, I believe, will never become a full-time employee where he temps because of the high turnover rate where he works. He told me that there is a high-demand for what he does, but the pay did not match the workload. It seems that most companies want to hire as many employees as they possibly can to make sure that no one becomes full-time because they don’t want to pay full-time wages or provide employees with benefits. That’s another fact to think about, make sure you remember it is only temporary so you are not surprised when your contract is up and you have to move on.
Apparently to find temp work a temp agency is not the only way to approach it, you can contact potential employees yourself. Yet, it seems like the temp agency is “safest” or most protected way to go about finding temp work, although, interestingly, neither my friend nor sister used a temp agency to find their jobs.
Most agree, and my sister can advocate this point as well, as long as you do a stellar job the temp jobs will be more likely to keep on coming, and who knows, perhaps a full-time opportunity in there as well. So, have a great time, learn new things, and find that entry-level job.

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