Entry-Level Jobs and a College Education

laura w Avatarlaura w
September 8, 2006

After two years and one term into college, I had finally chosen a path, picked a lane, and decided on a major. Now, it’s my senior year and the path that I had chosen is still the direction in which I want to head, but internships have cast me a bit off course recently.
Being a journalism major whose concentration is News/Editorial, taking on an internship that was broadcast journalism based seemed slightly foreign to me. With each take and flub, I believe I am getting the hang of it though. Being in front of the camera was never my objective, but now it’s because my position and title as head anchor for my college city’s sports channel. I suppose this experience will liven up my resume and prepare me for the “real world” upon graduation.
In life, you don’t always get what you want, but sometimes you get what you need. This new position has opened my eyes to an entirely different field in my area of study. It is a welcome change that has broadened my horizons on different career paths.
In three short terms I will be done with college. Scary as it is, I must concentrate on the daunting job market and finding potential places for me to work at after I graduate. Entry-level jobs seem to be that place for most people my age. You would think that four years at a respectable University, along with on the job experience might give you an edge over the competition, but sadly I don’t think it will. I guess I’ll just have to bite the bullet like all those that have come before me and work my way up the corporate ladder like everyone else.

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