Salary, Scholarships and Finances

How much should you borrow?

chris penn Avatarchris penn
August 29, 2006

Figuring out what you can borrow for student loans can be tricky, particularly if you’re still in school, or not even to college yet. Choose right, and you’ll be able to enjoy a comfortable standard of living after college, pursuing the life path you want. Choose wrong, and you get crushed by debt, or you don’t go to/finish college. How do you determine what is a reasonable amount to borrow?
Work in reverse. Debt has to be paid off, so figure out how much debt is sustainable. Most financial planners advocate not exceeding 10% of your net income for debt service, so that’s a good number to remember. What you can pay is of course dependent on how much money you make.
Statistically, college graduates average a starting salary around $30,000 per year. This is highly dependent on where you live, the cost of living, etc., but $30K for liberal arts, up to $50K in medical and technology fields seem to be about the national norms.
Let’s work backwards now. From gross pay, we’re going to write of 1/3 of the salary to taxes and mandatory deductions (social security, etc.). Yup. Uncle Sam takes that much. Here’s the result, your NET income after taxes:
$30K gross: $20,000 net
$40K gross: $26,700 net
$50K gross: $33,300 net
Now, divide each by 12 and you get your net monthly income.
$30K gross: $20,000 net = $1,666/month
$40K gross: $26,700 net = $2,225/month
$50K gross: $33,300 net = $2,775/month
Okay. Now, let’s assume you are free and clear of all other debts (credit card, auto, etc.) at the time of graduation and you just have student loans. You can now afford to make the following maximum payments at a 10% debt service to net income ratio:
$30K gross: $20,000 net = $1,666/month = $166/month
$40K gross: $26,700 net = $2,225/month = $223/month
$50K gross: $33,300 net = $2,775/month = $276/month
Today’s federal student loan interest rates are 6.8% for Stafford Federal Student Loans. Based on this, we can use a student loan consolidation calculator in reverse to see the maximum amount of money you can borrow at 6.8% with and without consolidating your federal student loans.
$166/month = $14,424 if you don’t consolidate, $18,700 if you consolidate
$223/month = $19,378 if you don’t consolidate, $29,213 if you consolidate
$276/month = $23,983 if you don’t consolidate, $39,765 if you consolidate
The higher your estimated income at graduation is, the more you can afford to borrow, and if you consolidate your federal student loans upon graduation, you will be able to borrow more. This is a pretty good methodology for figuring out how much you can afford to borrow – and a good example of how overborrowing can limit your career choices to jobs that can pay for your student loans.
For more information about student loan consolidation, visit on the web.

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