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Free eBook: CAREER SUCCESS RECIPE FOR NEWBIES – The Key Ingredients For Your Career Success (Part 2 of 5)

long yun siang Avatarlong yun siang
July 31, 2006

Is there a recipe for career success? Well, the answer to that question is both “yes” and “no”. Yes, because there are steps you can take that can increase your chances of success. No, mainly because very often when people start asking questions like that they seek a shortcut rather than the actual hardworking way to success. If you are sincere in getting off to a great start in your career and need to be pointed in the right direction, then this book is for you. It has the career success recipe that you need.
Career Success Recipe For Newbies is a compilation of 5 articles:
Part 1. Career Success Recipe – What Do You Want To Cook?
Part 2. The Key Ingredients For Your Career Success
Part 3. Planning Your Career Success Dish
Part 4. Enjoying the Process of Career Success
Part 5. Pushing for Career Success

You should know what success recipe you would choose once you have decided on your success dish. Here are some ingredients you need as a newbie seeking career success. Your success dish maybe different from others but there is some key ingredients common in these recipes for success.
A Generous Helping of Working Hard
This success recipe calls for a generous helping of working hard. In this time and age, a lot of credibility has been given to working smart. Now, do not get me wrong. It is important to work smart.
Planning your work is working smart. Knowing your job priorities is working smart. However, there is a tendency for career newbies to take the short cut. Now, that is not working smart.
No matter how smart you work – you still need to work hard in order for that smart plan of yours to work. Doing something to the best of your ability is hard work. Do not plan so much for the future that you forget about the present. It is the present that determines the future. So take care of the ‘now’ with hard work and the future will take care of itself.
There is fun in hard work and I feel that not enough emphasis is given to working hard. Success does not come to those who do nothing but think about short cuts. Working hard is an underrated virtue. Remember, if you use this ingredient generously – your success dish will tastes much better. And that is where the fun is – tasting that dish.
Avoid Any “Barely Enough”
There is one key ingredient that you need to avoid if you are to cook a tasty dish of success. This ingredient is called “Barely Enough”. Do not under any circumstances add “barely enough” in your recipe.
Have the determination to do extra and go the extra mile. Never accept barely enough of yourself and for yourself. When you do more than required, it tells your colleagues and bosses that you care. You care enough to do more. When you care enough to do more, the quality shines through and people will notice. They like you to be on their team, as you become a key competitive advantage.
Take initiatives and offer solutions when needed. Take the extra step to make something better and push the envelope – bring that extra energy to the unit you are in.
Go Big on Passion for Action
Another ingredient you can add in this recipe for success is passion for action. While achieving success involves believing in your own dream, you must remember not to end up a dreamer, but a doer.
In this success recipe, always have a passion for action. That means acting upon the steps that you have planned. Do not just talk. Do not just dream. Act upon your dreams and plans – and you are half way to whatever success you planned.
When you plan, you are working smart. When you do, you are working hard. When you put the two together – working smart and working hard – you are half way to success that you seek.
Forget That You are a Talented Cook
Many talented cooks feel that once they have the success recipes, they are destined to cook the best success dish. That is not so. Talent has very little to do with success if you forget that your dish is only as good as the ingredients that you use. A good balance of vision, talent and ingredients will cook you a good dish of success. Talent alone will not.
So, forget that you are a talented cook. Instead concentrate on bringing the best ingredients to the kitchen. That way you concentrate on what is more important – your goals and the attitudes that help you achieve those goals.
Always add “Willingness to Learn”
One of the most crucial ingredients for career newbies is the “willingness to learn”. Never be caught without it. Bring it along with you regardless of what success recipe you are cooking. It is a common ingredient in any dish of success. When you are willing to learn, the teachers will appear. The more teachers you have the more you will learn. That in turn increases your chances of succeeding.
Now that you have the key ingredients in this success recipe, ask yourself how much are you willing to commit to making this dish a reality?

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