Industry News and Information

Searching for the Right Words

Yvonne LaRose AvatarYvonne LaRose
July 14, 2006

In pursuit of good resources to back up statemets in an article, I went to one of the most trusted and results-laden search sites and input the following terms:

“oral communication”, “corporate branding”

They seemed like good search terms. With other permutations, all sorts of results were obtained: millions of results, thousands of results, even hundreds. Among the initial results were global courses in communications, inspirationals, downloads. But there were no articles or research papers on the specific subject matter I wanted. The permutations were whittled down to the above combinations. Those terms also did not yield articles and research. Instead, they spat out the biggest surprise one could expect: Job postings.
This is not the first time a search engine string has dumped writing and communications opportunities into my lap. It isn’t the first time I’ve found what may be compensated internships.
Many of our interns are seeking writing opportunities. They want to have their Journalism or Communications studies and degrees exploited, their skills in these areas challenged. They talk of having used search strings to search but don’t speak of where they’re using those search strings. Additionally, and except for one, they don’t speak of what terms they may be using. But these unexpected results say a few things about finding the ever-elusive needle in the writer’s haystack. That defining statement is more than just one. Don’t limit your search.
In addition to networking, in addition to being observant as you read the paper or commute, more than surfing the job boards and resume blasters, it’s a good idea to open research efforts to using web search engines with varying search strings and then delimiting the results.
Another internship opportunity fell into my lap as I read an email notice from an organization where I now have a passing association. I’m on their mailing list.
Let me leave you on this note. Not only is it wise to use as many resources as possible to find the openings, it’s important to be focused on goals as well as creative in how one goes about finding them. There was some rave news this morning about a recruiter who, in three weeks total, found the plum.


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