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Advice for Employers and Recruiters

Better Luck Next Time

jill e Avatarjill e
July 1, 2006

Last month I went to an interview for the federal government. I was really excited because I thought that I might just have a chance to obtain a job with them. I thought the interview was going well, better than well. It was the best interview I had ever been on. The interview was progressing on and then I had to take a test, which I also thought went just as well. I was nervous while taking the test, but I know I did the best I could on it, given the time constraints.
Anyway, I left the interview that day with the hopes of hearing from the company and offering me a job with them. I didn’t hear anything within a few days, so I called them almost a week later to see if the position was filled yet. To my dismay, it was. I wondered what I did that was so wrong. I heard that not many people get interviews with the government and that it is hard to actually get federal jobs, but I thought that my interview went exceptionally well. I know I had competition, but I guess someone else just out-did me on something.
Now, again, I am left wondering where to apply and to all of you out there, I have applied everywhere. I have done all I can think of to do. I had another interview yesterday also, at a lawyers firm, and basically I was told that I couldn’t handle certain positions because I didn’t have experience. This makes me very upset because I’m working my butt off, doing the best I can of finding and applying for jobs, and the basic reason I’m getting is, “You don’t have any experience.” I know people that have secretarial jobs and such that don’t have a college degree and I do, so how is that fair?
So, what am I to do now? I thought that I had a good chance at getting hired for the federal job, but I was passed up. The benefits were great, even the hours were great. The job would have been perfect for me. A chance like this doesn’t come around often. I hope another one comes around soon though. I don’t think anyone really knows how hard it is to find a job after college unless you’re in that position yourself.
I have a feeling that I will be stuck working at the place I work at now for the rest of my life, which it isn’t even giving me any experience. I have a B.A. in creative writing. I have applied online, from newspapers, magazines, everywhere, even if they weren’t hiring. I opened up my search to jobs with and without writing as well. Any suggestions would be helpful on what I could possibly do so that my education wouldn’t be wasted.

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