The Edge and How I Know I’ve Reached It

suzanne y Avatarsuzanne y
April 30, 2006

Though this is my first entry it has certainly not come too soon. I graduated a year ago in May and my job search has not been easy. I left my job as a bartender to get some 9-5 experience, or rather 8:30-5:30 experience.
I got a job 7 months ago as an administrative assistant at a local car dealership. I’d never worked in an office before so I thought a couple months of filing and answering phones would be good for me. I was promoted after 3 weeks to title clerk. I thought this was great! I have worked very hard for the last 6 months and have reaped the benefits, kind of. My supervisor loves me! She can’t give me enough to do. In the last year this dealership has been through 6 title clerks. They struck gold with me. A college education with no experience to back it up! Jackpot! My pay is just not high enough to support my work load anymore. I have a $30,000 education and I am still below the poverty line in an industry that I have no interest in growing with. I have no money saved up, I don’t make enough money to save, and I haven’t got the time during the day to find another job.
So where do I go from here? I haven’t figured that out yet either. I suppose this can be the beginning of my new journey. The inevitable moral of this story is to do well in school and participate in as many extra-curricular activities as possible. For those of us who have to work to pay our way through college there just isn’t time to take unpaid internships or join clubs. I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place and now I have to figure a way out.

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