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Advice for Employers and Recruiters

Just When You’re Not Looking

jessica p Avatarjessica p
April 25, 2006

My job search has been on hold for about a week as I tie up all of the loose ends that are my last week of school. Ever. Well, at least until I go back to graduate school. And as luck would have it, the week I’m not trying to concentrate on finding a job, I land an interview.
Although I haven’t been actively searching and applying this week, I can across an ad for an Editorial Assistant—a great way for me to get professional experience and learn the editing ropes at the same time. So I wrote a cover letter and emailed my resume and that afternoon, I received a call to come in for an interview next week. Now the ad was a little ambiguous: medical company seeks recent college graduate to assist with editing our many publications. Something like that. But “recent college graduate” and “assist with editing” were the operative words. I was not aware at the time, however, that I was actually applying with a personnel company, not the company itself. I called the gentlemen back anyway.
“You’re graduating in May,” he said. “When would you be able to start working?”
“By the end of May. Graduation is May 13, so I would be able to start the following week, after I get settle in DC.”
“That’s great. However, I’m not sure if the employer for the position you applied needs the position to be filled before then. But what are you interests?”
“I’m interested in publishing—writing, editing—but with a focus in the non-profit sector, helping with communications and that sort of thing. My two main interests are social issues, especially dealing with education, and writing.” I started to get nervous that he would renege the interview offer.
“Well, listen,” he continued. “Whether the position is still open or not, I’d still like to interview you and help you find something in the area.”
I wasn’t sure about the whole personnel company thing at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought of what a great idea it is to interview with them. They have the resources I need and even if they don’t know of anything for me right away, at least I will have another interview under my belt. Besides, it gives me an excuse to go down to DC for a few days before graduation and look for jobs in person, instead of relying on this computer.
It’s amazing how this little bit of progress helps me confidently concentrate on enjoying my last weeks of college.

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