Industry News and Information

New Blog: Insights by Employers Blog

Steven Rothberg AvatarSteven Rothberg
March 17, 2006

I’m pleased to announce the launch of our new Insights by Employers Blog.
The purpose of the new Blog is to allow employers to share their insights with students, recent graduates, and others who want to do their best to develop their careers. The entries by the employers will frequently include information about their organizations, but more by way of example than an effort to generate resumes. Employers will write about a wide variety of topics, including how candidates should dress, behave at career fairs, apply to jobs, network, conduct informational interviews, write resumes, send thank you notes, etc. They will occasionally refer to specific candidates with which they’ve come into contact, but the employers will not use the real names of the candidates or provide any information that would be enough to identify them.
I encourage candidates and others to participate in this Blog as well by posting comments to the entries. Agree with an entry? Post a comment that contains praise for the author and any additional information that you feel would be helpful to them or others reading the Blog. Disagree with an entry? Post a comment that contains constructive criticism. But above all, read, learn, and enjoy!

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