Industry News and Information

Dramatic Drama – Part 7 of 7: Finale

shuo c Avatarshuo c
March 4, 2006

My last story is one in which I got to work with an LA based film production on a psychological horror flick. I got to work for three days on location and met a great cast and crew working hard through freezing temperatures. I even went out to get business cards to distribute. It’s work, but fun work.
I’ve been reading up voraciously on my field of interest. It’s like I never have enough time in the day. I’ve bought a few How-To Indie Film, acting, getting cast books as well as magazines to stay up to date and marketable and using every bit of my time I can, but it can be exhausting. I reason that “It takes money to make money. And time is money. (money is evil… time flies, so evil must fly … where am I going with this?)” Keep working every day with baby steps.
Along the way so far, I’ve had a job as a car salesman, been a financial advisor candidate, a mail sorter, a school secretary interviewee, air pollution controller applicant, and speech language pathologist resume submitter. Those are just a few of the things I’ve done. I’ve also been a TV show extra, film extra, and independent (indie) short film extra. Plus I volunteered for theater ushering. It seems like a lot, but I know people who have had way more real world experience. But everyone has to start somewhere and work their way up.
I hope that my posts have been humorous, thought-provoking, poignant, and above all … helpful.
I leave you today with a few inspirational and moments of Zen for you to ponder. It’s been fun and challenging trying to write quality blogs everyday and keep them condensed and on time. This is the last of my episodic series as I’ve pretty much caught up to present day happenings. I might pop in occasionally to contribute recent interview dialogues and commentary, but as I said, I keep myself busy. Recently I even applied to Teach for America and a computer job with benefits and higher salary income with which I am vying for. I just might get it. Remember that a body at rest stays at rest. Get the snowball rolling.
– Never let anyone tell you can’t do something: “It’s impossible.” Think Jesse Owens. Think the speed of sound. People thought the body couldn’t withstand the force to reach outer space, but once they started breaking barriers, it was as if anything was possible. Don’t doubt what you can do. We are already approaching the speed of light, and one day we may surpass it. Don’t believe it until you’ve tested it out yourself over and over again. And even then, don’t believe it to be 100% true. Fight the good fight. Have confidence.
– If you’re going to dream. You might as well dream big.
– “If it is to be, it is up to me.” Eddie Bracken from Profiles in Stardom by Bob Fraser.
– Never give up your dreams. You will be rejected. You will fail. The difference between those that are successful and those that aren’t depends on how you take your rejections and your failures.
– There are three types of people: those that watch things happen, those that make things happen, and those that say what the #@!% happened? – From a keychain
The most exciting story ever told is the one you will tell. Good night … good luck on your search through life. And thanks for tuning in.

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