Industry News and Information

Dramatic Drama – Part 1 of 7: Magazines

shuo c Avatarshuo c
February 26, 2006

It’s been about two weeks since I’ve written anything on the blogs and I thought I’d finish up the trilogy à la George Lucas before the story loses interest or gets sidetracked. I have had a lot of happenings in the past few weeks (I keep busy) and also I tend to be a writing perfectionist, but if the latter is true I would never get my blogs out. And so this is a good time to begin since College Recruiter just launched their new website design, another momentous occasion!
Since working with mail delivery, I’ve had a lot of time to think, and I mean a LOT. Consider it being stuck in a sort of prison, without all the benefits. Of course I didn’t always see it this way. Tomorrow, I will update you about work politics and drama and you’ll see what I mean.
See, what many college students don’t realize is that they have all these resources on campus and hardly ever use them all. Most barely use 1% of the libraries, networks, career services and what not.
So when I got out of college I was still pretty jaded by the fact that I was living independent without a care in the world. Soon as that ended, it was “Son, time to get a job. Too bad you never too advantage of that career services center on campus or went to any of those job fairs, eh…? a heh heh.”
So I dedicate Dramatic Drama this week not only to the struggling actors and students out there, but also most definitely to the post graduate students. The ones out there like myself that have gone “the wrong path” and put themselves into a hole whether because we make poor academic, financial, or life decisions. Or just we are born with bad luck. I give you this advice, “Only you can take control of your life. All the power for success already lies within you.” Because we all make “mistakes”, but they are never truly mistakes if you learn from them. They are just what makes you unique from everyone else.
My tip for today which I got from a career help site is this: stay up to date with your field with free magazines and books. Once you find a field you are truly interested, whether it be medicine, art, accounting, etc. you can usually find free publications online that are willing to send them to your door monthly for free or very little fee.
For instance, doctors, teachers, and computer scientists have an ever changing field and always need to stay updated and abreast with current information. Thus, this is a great way to always be “in the know.” Think about it.
I personally was able to do a search for free industry professional and trade magazines and find some goodies. If you are looking for acting resources, you’ll also find newsgroups to be an excellent source of information as they often have links to online books and links. Often these will also have insider information into jobs and internships.
Tomorrow I’ll also talk about my first lucky break and more about the power of online resources.

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