Industry News and Information

The Pros and Cons of Recreational Work

daniel g Avatardaniel g
February 21, 2006

After Getting a Bachelors Degree from an accredited university and working a few seasonal jobs in the recreation field I was surprised when I found out how hard it can be to land a decent full-time job. There are lots of recreation jobs out there. They may be in places that I find unappealing, or require more experience than I have, but they are there. Seasonal Recreation work is fun and has its benefits. I am not talking about health or dental benefits, but more about the benefits of working outside and playing for work.
Seasonal work is also always easier to land, even if you don’t see them coming. During January and February, I take my time to rummage though the job posting, looking for summer employment. By the time the employers call in April and May, I sometimes do not remember applying for the job. I have had the experience of working in quite a few glorious corners of our country though, and traveled to many of the places I have always wanted to. It even gets interesting when employers are fighting to have me come work in their neck of the woods for three, four or five months at a time. Let them haggle it out against each other. Which of the locations will have the better housing, experience, recreational opportunities? All of these are really important issues, after all the employment might last 6 months, maybe a little more with luck and funding.
Some of the problems that come with seasonal employment are very apparent. For one, it will be harder to have any sort of permanent relationship. For another, it will be harder to stay close to home and help out with the family. Many seasonal jobs will only give you enough experience to land another seasonal job the next year. After getting in the routine of seasonal employment, it can be difficult to get out.

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