
Make them remember you!

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January 7, 2006

Not a lot has happened since the last time I wrote. Only, that I’m back in Belgium. I arrived six days ago: January 1, 2006.
Honestly, I needed a break! I was getting a little bit down of a mixture of things: not being with my family and friends, not finding a job that easy as I thought it would be. It finally got to me and I decided that being home for a while wouldn’t be a bad thing. So, here I am: eating my Belgian chocolates šŸ™‚ which are THE best!
But, there’s always a but. I’ve been home now for almost a week, and I’m starting to miss my life in NY. Isn’t that weird!!?? A human being is so used to its habits and people!!!! Wherever I am, I’ll always miss something… and then it hit me! Everybody has his own life and we need to make something of it ourselves!!! Our life is not only the people or friends we are with! Our life is going ‘somewhere’ because we want to get somewhere, and if we don’t it just doesn’t.
I’m feeling more positive though… with support of friends and family it’s all a lot easier and it makes me stronger, and more willing to succeed!
It’s January 7 today which means I can expect an answer from the United Nations in a week or so.
Yesterday, I wrote an e-mail to inform if there were any new developments, if the decision is still going to be made in a week, etc. But most importantly, I wrote the e-mail to let them know that I am really motivated and enthusiastic about the job! They need to know! Because I was thinking: they’re seeing new candidates right now, they know I’m in Belgium… they need to remember me! They need to recall the name KAATJE VERLINDEN! I don’t want them to forget me, and as a result my resume would get buried underneath others. Yes, I know some employers wouldn’t like that (could be seen as annoying and impatient), but I already left my first impression which I think was nothing in that direction. We need to stick out!! Why else would they hire us???
And of course, while I was here I got an e-mail for another job interview!! šŸ™‚ That HAS to happen while I’m in Belgium. I told them the story, that I couldn’t come on the date suggested because I’m here. But I’ll e-mail them as soon as I arrive in NY. Don’t know if I can take the job, as a non-American, the paper work needs to be OK. However, it’s always something I can use if I need and can.

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