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Free eBook: CAREER SUCCESS RECIPE FOR NEWBIES – What Do You Want to Cook? (Part 1 of 5)

long yun siang Avatarlong yun siang
July 17, 2006

Is there a recipe for career success? Well, the answer to that question is both “yes” and “no”. Yes, because there are steps you can take that can increase your chances of success. No, mainly because very often when people start asking questions like that they seek a shortcut rather than the actual hardworking way to success. If you are sincere in getting off to a great start in your career and need to be pointed in the right direction, then this book is for you. It has the career success recipe that you need.
Career Success Recipe For Newbies is a compilation of 5 articles:
Part 1. Career Success Recipe – What Do You Want To Cook?
Part 2. The Key Ingredients For Your Career Success
Part 3. Planning Your Career Success Dish
Part 4. Enjoying the Process of Career Success
Part 5. Pushing for Career Success

Before you ask for a success recipe, you need to decide what is the success dish are you going to cook? Unless you know what sort of success dish you like and would like to taste, you can end up asking for the wrong recipe.
In short, you need to define what success means to you before you ask for a success recipe. The answer is, there is a recipe for success. It does exist. But that recipe, much like the varied dishes and tastes out there – depends on what you are looking for.
So ask yourself this question – What is your definition of success? Unless you know what success dish you are going to cook, it is useless to ask for a success recipe.
Different people have different definition of success. For many career newbies, success can mean monetary reward. Yet others define it by what new things they can learn in the shortest possible time in order to be promoted. Some others may have even more definitions of success. In their case, they may need many success recipes.
The Different Success Recipes
There are success recipes for the different areas of your life. These recipes can vary from career, health, spiritual, emotional, time and financial. Do not let these different areas overwhelm you. There are common ingredients that are used regardless of the dish you want to cook.
In order to know which success recipe you would use, you need to really find out about your own tastes. Your likes and dislikes. In other words, in order to know your definition of success – you need to know your key motivators, your values and priorities in life. Your strengths and weaknesses are also things you need to understand.
Once you know these, you then know what dish you would like to cook. Hence, asking for a success recipe has more meaning and you have higher chances of succeeding. However, know that sometimes understanding your own tastes may take some time. It is a process of getting to know yourself. This is a crucial process. One that determines what success means to you.
Let’s say you are looking for a recipe for career success. How would you define career success? Is it to become a manager in a given time? Is it to learn a certain amount of skill at a certain stage of your career?
Find out about your own strengths and weaknesses. What are some of these strengths that will help you cook this dish successfully? What are your weaknesses that will hold you back in your quest to cook a dish of success?
Cooking is a Process
When using your success recipe, assuming you have already defined what success means to you – remember one thing. Cooking is a process. And learning to be good at cooking i.e., learning to be good at succeeding at the things that you do is a process. It takes time. It takes time to learn and it takes time to be good at it.
It takes time to learn from your mistakes too. Constant learning and practicing makes you better at what you are doing. Be it cooking or in your career. That increases your chances of success.
Make a time allowance for yourself to discover what is truly the success recipe you seek. It took me more than 3 years before I began to have an inkling of what is the success recipe that I seek. And it took me years after that to refine it. In many ways one can still say that I am still refining that recipe.
Your Tastes Change
A success recipe that is right for you now may not be right later on. Remember, our tastes change over time. Which is why it is all the more important for us to truly understand our values in life, as those do not change as much and drastically. Make allowance for your change in tastes too. And when that changes, your recipe for success should also change.
So, before you ask for a success recipe – know what success dish you would like to cook. What are your tastes? What are your strengths and weaknesses that will push you forward or hold you back in cooking this dish?
What is truly your definition of success?

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