Career Advice for Job Seekers

8 Jobs You’ll Love That Pay $50,000 a Year

William Frierson AvatarWilliam Frierson
October 12, 2012

Dawn Dugan

Dawn Dugan, contributing writer

How do you define success? Do you want a job that you love, or a paycheck that satisfies you? In a tough economy where jobs are scarce, many of us believe that we must, to some degree, choose between one and the other.

The reality is, lack of money is one of the top causes of stress in the United States. According to the American Psychological Association’s most recent annual Stress in America survey, 75 percent of those surveyed said money was a significant source of stress in their lives, while another 70 percent cited that work caused major stress. It’s only natural that in these circumstances, when we feel forced to choose between love and money, we panic and choose the latter.

As a result, many of us end up in jobs we hate, or in careers to which we’re not suited. It comes as no surprise that some statistics show up to 80 percent of people dislike their jobs! Yet we spend more of our lives working than doing just about anything else. When all is said and done, being miserable at work is certainly no measure of success, regardless of the paycheck in your pocket.

This article explores eight jobs you might find meaningful that start at $50,000 per year or more. These jobs require different levels of education and experience. However, education requirements are reasonable and no job on the list requires more than 2 to 4 years of experience. It won’t happen overnight, but with thoughtful planning the jobs on this list prove it is possible to strike a balance between doing what you love and loving your paycheck.

8. If You Love Physical Fitness…

Personal Trainer
Median salary:  $53,229/year

If you enjoy hitting the gym and would like to help others achieve the benefits of working out, consider becoming a personal trainer.

The median salary of a Personal Trainer is not bad for a job that typically requires a high school diploma, certification, and two to four years of experience. One of the best perks of the job? You’ll be sweating, building muscle and endurance, and improving your physical fitness right along with your clients. Not only will endorphins reduce your stress, so will your paycheck.

7. If You Love a Good Party…

Meeting/Event Planner
Median salary: $55,678

If you’re a creative, organized individual who is business-minded but who also wants to hone their inner Martha Stewart, organizations are willing to pay you well to ensure their events go off without a hitch. Most meeting/event planners at this salary level have a bachelor’s degree, though many have achieved success with an associate’s degree or high school diploma and a few years of experience.

Just remember that as the event organizer, every little problem that arises is yours. Also, you’ll probably have to deal with vendor contracts and other similar arrangements. But if you thrive in that type of detail-oriented environment, you might’ve been born for this.

6. If You Love to Travel…

Flight Attendant
Median salary: $56,145

If you’re looking to experience new places and meet new people while getting paid, consider a career as a flight attendant.

This is a solid median salary for someone with an associate’s degree or the equivalent, and two to four years of experience. Dealing with cranky passengers and pilots, spending lots of time in airports, and living away from home a good portion of the week isn’t all fun and games, but what job is? For some, happiness is seeing the world and if you’re not tied down, working in this field is a great way to do just that.  Continue reading . . .

Article by Dawn Dugan and courtesy of

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